Hi there 🙂

Let me introduce myself a little bit. My name is Nathan and I am currently studying to be a high school Mathematics and Geography teacher. I have a passion for health and fitness and for getting out as much as possible and seeing the world in as many different ways.

That would be the cliff notes of how you introduce yourself to anyone, wouldn’t it? Tell them the highlights of what you are doing and explain to them the things that you like to do that you feel they may connect with.

This is fine in most social settings, however, I want to use this amazing platform I have here to go a little bit deeper and explain some lessons I have learnt as I have navigated this amazing thing we call life.

I have been incredibly lucky in my life to have so many opportunities that I have said yes to. I have been lucky enough to travel overseas to many different incredible countries including; Tanzania, Cambodia, Hong Kong and the USA. These places have changed me, they have allowed me to become who I am today and they have given me an amazing opportunity to learn so much about the world we live in.

In my working life, I have worked in a sports club and with an in-school leadership company and both of these places have allowed me to learn how to navigate the world. Working with a leadership company is something that I have never envisaged for myself. I was always that person at school who was quiet, I didn’t really speak up if I didn’t need to. I had an amazing group of friends but I didn’t put myself out there for the world to see until I was a long way out of school.

The lessons we teach and the lesson that I have learnt from working with this incredible company have allowed me to be the person I am today and are constantly teaching me who I want to become. It is a very special moment when you realise that the lessons that you teach are also changing who you are as well.

So why do I want to write this here for you all to see?

I have recently been reading a lot on vulnerability and how it affects the way we live. Something that resonated with me was the idea of putting your thoughts and work out into the world for others to see and comment on. For me, it is not a comfortable thing to do to be able to put my thoughts into words and then show them to the world.

So that is what I am going to do. I am going to go in-depth with the lessons I have learnt whilst I have been on this journey of self-discovery and leadership. I am going to put my thoughts out there and be vulnerable and hopefully show people that they are not alone in their journeys.

The way that I want to do this is to invite you to come along on the journey with me. I will be posting a new lesson that I’ve learnt each Monday. For now, there is an assortment of different lessons that I will be posting. In the future, I am going to work towards a series of posts that will all relate to one topic.

I look forward to starting this journey as we navigate life.


Nathan Uncategorized

9 Replies

  1. Thanks for sharing Nathan. I can’t wait to read about your journeys and how you are navigating your way through these amazing experiences/opportunities you have been offered.

  2. We’re very proud that you want to share your knowledge and life experiences to support others work towards being the best version of themselves. We love your passion and empathy for others xoxo

  3. Through sharing (being vulnerable) Nathan you find your tribe or you draw those that your words resonate with close. We listen and learn. Well done. It’s a wonderful journey, life. And to be present to who you are and how you can positively impact others is a skill. I’m excited to read your next blog. Bravo 👏

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